You can find the white LTO replacement plate that you have already paid for at the Land Transportation Office (LTO) as early as 2015 to replace your green LTO license plate on the newly launched website,, if you are one of the 1.797M who have yet to receive it.
In response to the problem of undelivered plates, the Department of Transportation (DOTr) launched Using this website, the agency allows car owners to check whether their LTO replacement plates are ready for claiming without having to go to an LTO branch. The site also provides information about where to claim paid and unclaimed LTO replacement license plates.
What is the LTO Plate Replacement Availability Checker?
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) recently launched a new website for LTO Plate replacement inquiries. As a result of a recent report by the Commission on Audit (COA) stating that the LTO has not addressed a backlog of 1.797M license plate deliveries, this interactive website was launched. As a result of the unclaimed or undelivered replacement plates, there has been an increase in impatient vehicle owners with frayed nerves awaiting their replacement plates.
Because the new plates are still unaccounted for, held, and unclaimed at the LTO office where they were applied for, a lot of vehicles on the streets are running around with temporary plates despite already having actual replacement license plates.
It is designed to address the LTO License Plate Backlog issues through its interactive website, // . It features a simple interface, requiring vehicle owners to simply key in their plate numbers in a search box, and allowing them to see vital information regarding the availability of paid and unclaimed LTO replacement license plates, their availability, and the LTO branch where they can claim them.
On the website’s homepage, however, it states, “This interactive website provides information on the availability of paid and unclaimed LTO replacement license plates (green to white) from 2015”. It is evident that the site is only designed to answer inquiries about LTO license plate replacements (from green to white) that were paid and unclaimed from 2015 onwards, and not to handle inquiries about new plate issuances.
The online LTO plate replacement checker is more than a way to deal with the ever-increasing backlog in LTO license plate issuance. This is also a step towards the agency’s innovation efforts in technology and connectivity. Launching the website will offer users the following benefits:
Streamlines LTO’s office operations by reducing the number of people checking if replacement plates are available
Streamlined the process of checking the availability of plates in LTO offices
Enhance the efficiency of LTO service delivery
Improves license plate issuance efficiency by reducing the LTO backlog
The LTO backlog on license plate issuance can be reduced by allowing those who have been issued new plates to know they can claim them already, making it more convenient for transactions.
Who Can Use the LTO Replacement Plate Checker Online
The LTO replacement plate checker online is accessible via the website: for car owners who have requested and paid for replacement plates as far back as 2015 but have yet to claim them.
When it comes to requirements, the LTO replacement plate checker online doesn’t require much. You might want to check on the specific requirements you will need when you actually claim your LTO replacement plate.
LTO’s online replacement plate checker only requires the following information:
A computer that is connected to the Internet, such as a smartphone, a desktop, or a laptop
Connectivity to the Internet that is stable
Here is some information:
Procedures on How to Check for the Availability of Your LTO Plate Replacement
If your LTO replacement plate is already available for claiming, you may follow the steps listed in this short guide. With a simple and clean interface, it’s straightforward and easy to use.
The first step is to visit the newly launched LTO replacement plate checker online at this link: https:/// .
After logging in to the website, wait until you are prompted to enter your license plate number.
In the space provided, enter your plate number correctly.
When typing your plate number, make sure no spaces are left between the numbers and letters.
How to Claim the Replacement Plate from LTO
You can claim your new LTO plate if you are told it is already waiting to be claimed and picked up on the LTO website.
Prepare the following documents before going to the LTO Office indicated on the site or the LTO Office where you requested the plate replacement:
- The original and a photocopy of the Certificate of Registration (CR) are required
- There should be one (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the Official Receipt (OR)
- The following information is for authorized representatives:
- In the event that the registered owner is not available to pick up the package, one (1) original copy of the authorization letter must be provided.
- Please provide one (1) original copy and one (1) photocopy of the authorized representative’s identification and that of the registered owner.
- LTO Replacement Plate Claims Procedures
You must follow these steps in order to receive a replacement plate:
- Visit the LTO District Office indicated on the website as the location of your plate.
- The second step is to proceed directly to the releasing section once you are there.
- You will need to inform them that you are there to pick up your replacement plate at the releasing window.
- The fourth step is to submit your documents requirements, and wait for your plates to be handed over.
- The last step is to sign the release form as confirmation that your plates have been received.
- It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete the entire process.
Video: Tutorial from LTO License Plate Check
For a better understanding of the plate replacement process, check out this tutorial video from the PH Assistance YouTube channel:
We have a YouTube channel you can subscribe to.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the new LTO replacement plate tracker website:
Q1) Where can I apply for a replacement of my license plate (green to white plates) in accordance with the Plate Standardization Law?
Ans:- The nearest LTO office in your area can assist you in replacing your license plate.
Q2) I already paid the replacement fee, but the LTO replacement plate checker online says my license plate will soon be available. What does it mean?
Ans:- It either means that the site has not yet been updated, you have requested to hold the license plates, or the new plates have yet to become available. The best thing to do in such a case would be to inquire again after 30 to 60 days. Currently, production of the remaining replacement plates is ongoing.
Q3) My replacement plates are ready but I cannot find the official receipt. What should I do?
Ans:- Visit the LTO office listed on the website, but be sure to bring a valid ID and your old license plate, along with all the other requirements.
Q4) The vehicle owner is not available to pick up the license plate.
Ans:- If the registered owner is not available to pick up the new plates, he can send an authorized representative. You just need to make sure the representative carries a valid ID with both the owner’s and the representative’s signatures along with a signed authorization letter
Q5) I changed the venue of my vehicle registration. Where do I get the replacement plates?
Ans:- The new license plate is available at the same office where you ordered it if your LTO transacting office changes.
Please request a replacement for your green plates as soon as possible if you haven’t already. Despite the delays, it will eventually be available to you. As well as being compliant with the rules, the new plates include more security features. You should not discard or throw away the green plates carelessly if your white replacement plates are issued. It is possible that they could be misused and used for illegal activities if they fall into the wrong hands. Simply destroying them completely is the safest option.